Bernhard Wessling

various video links about cranes

Graue Kraniche / Common Cranes
ein Kurzfilm zu meinem Buch „Der Ruf der Kraniche“
Kranichschutz Deutschland (Image-Film mit Schwerpunkt Graue Kraniche in der Nähe des Zentrums in Groß-Moordorf, Brut, Beringung, Zug)
schönes Video eines polnischen Tierfilmers (Graue Kraniche – Balz, Tanz, Paarung, Brut)
Whooping Cranes
a journalist from National Geographics visiting Operation migration (nice views from Ultralight airplane onto the nearby flying young cranes, information about the training including explanation of the use of my call recordings)
more videos about Operation Migration: 
National Geographics (with George Gee, Patuxent)
National Geographics 2007 („Rare cranes taught to migrate“)
2016 National Geographics („Raising baby Whoopers“, telling about the training from the day of hatching on, up to the migration)
Red-Crowned Cranes
dances (a collection of dance related videos)
My own Youtube channel
Bernhard Wessling